Posts for year 2006
- Acer Laptop Woes - part 7
- Wildlife in Constantia
- Acer Laptop woes - part 6
- More ClugPark work
- Letter to Acer 3
- Acer Laptop woes - part 5
- Phone SPAM again
- Vodacon
- Acer Laptop woes - part 4
- ClugPark
- Google Webmaster Tools
- Bad postmasters
- Athlon 64 Shortage
- Always remember to give the transformer a nice jacket
- Phone SPAM - Part 2
- migrating to aptitiude
- Letter to Acer 2
- Playing with a server
- Acer Laptop woes - part 3
- Wordpress getting set up
- Phone SPAM!
- Letter to Acer
- Acer Laptop woes - part 2
- Acer Laptop woes - part 1
- Hello world!