More ClugPark work

Well, we've now got a custom theme for (by superfly, thanks!) I still want to hack planetplanet to death, but that can wait until they decide on their direction...

In the meantime, I've been brushing up my mediawiki hacking for the ClugPark gallery. Mediawiki is a monster!

The select query looks like this:

$select = "SELECT page_namespace, page_title, old_text, img_description "
          . "FROM " . $dbr->tableName('page') . " "
          . "LEFT JOIN " . $dbr->tableName('revision') . " ON page_latest = rev_id "
          . "LEFT JOIN " . $dbr->tableName('text') . " ON old_id = rev_text_id "
          . "LEFT JOIN " . $dbr->tableName('image') . " ON page_title = img_name "
          . "INNER JOIN " . $dbr->tableName('categorylinks') . " "
          . "ON page_id = cl_from AND cl_to = " . $dbr->addQuotes($catKey) . " ";
$where = " WHERE page_namespace = " . $wgContLang->getNsIndex('Image') . " "
         . "ORDER BY page_title ";

Yup. Lovely stuff. Anyway, when I'm happy with the extension, I'll post it somewhere... (Same goes for my other mediawiki extenisons)