New GUI for 3G Datacards under Linux

Tectonic has spotted a new GUI for 3G Datacards.

You can see it in action.

Vodafone Spain sponsored it's writing, and they made the right choices: it's GPL, Python-GTK, and pretty well written. It looks like a clone of the Windows Vodafone client, but using libnotify, and other cool GTKisms. I highly approve.

Installing it was as simple as downloading the deb, and installing it with gdebi.

The first thing I did was add the support for my Option 3G GT Quad Fusion Datacard, which was as simple as finding out the USB IDs, and modifying another card's driver:

class OptionGTFusionQuadLite(Device):
    __properties__ = {
        'usb_device.vendor_id' : 0x0af0,
        'usb_device.product_id': 0x6300,
    __name__ = "Option GT Fusion Quad Lite"
    conn_dict = OPTION_DICT

simple eh?

This should be incorporated in default Ubuntu installs. It should also be extended to support talking to phones over bluetooth / IRDA. (At the moment, it seems to only like talking to things that HAL knows about)