LTS & ELTS Report for April & May 2022

April was my first month contributing Freexian sponsored work to Debian LTS. I started with ELTS in May. As April was my first month, and I didn't have any hours allocated, covering both months in one report.

In April, I spent 5 hours doing LTS security updates for:

  • twisted, backporting a fix for CVE-2022-24801 to stretch (finished in May)

In May, I spent 14 hours doing LTS security updates for:

In May I spent 4 hours doing ELTS security updates for:

  • openssl, backporting a fix for CVE-2022-1292 to jessie.
  • openjpeg2, backporting a fix for CVE-2022-1122 to jessie.
  • intel-microcode, looking at backporting a newer version. Not uploaded due to more updates on the way.

In April, I spent 4 hours of Freexian-sponsored Debian time on:

  • The DebConf 22 website.
  • Preparations for DebConf 22.
  • Applying related security updates (from LTS work) to Debian stable.

In May, I spent 12 hours of Freexian-sponsored Debian time on:

  • The DebConf 22 website.
  • Preparations for DebConf 22.
  • Applying related security updates (from LTS work) to Debian stable.
  • Fixing the flit support in dh-python.

Ubuntu Global Jam Oneiric

We had quite a successful Ubuntu Global Jam on Saturday. Thanks Yola for hosting us. It was only 5 of us, and I was the only one with any uploads under my belt, but the nice small team meant I had time to help everyone fix some build failures. We had intended to focus on Scientific packages, but it was easier to just pick arbitrary build failures from the most recent archive rebuild.

Maia visited us briefly at lunch time and took some photos, thanks :) Sorry you couldn't stay longer.

Some stats from the jam

Examples that we fixed together:

Kyle Williams:

Marco Gallotta:

Michiel Baird:

I think that's pretty good for a day's work :P

In other news

Eep, haven't blogged an ages. Since I last blogged, I've become a Debian Developer, made an Ibid point release, been to (my first) UDS and a Debconf (which were both fantastic, and very different), spent a week sailing in Croatia with my brother, and been pulled into the Ubuntu release team. All this has meant little progress in my MSc, though :/

Release Party Ubuntu Mirror

Our Ubuntu LoCo release parties always end up being part-install-fest. Even when we used to meet at pubs in the early days, people would pull out laptops to burn ISOs for each other and get assistance with upgrades.

As the maintainer of a local university mirror, I took along a mini-mirror to our Lucid Release party and will be doing it for the Maverick party tomorrow. If anyone wants to do this at future events, it's really not that hard to organise, you just need the bandwidth to create the mirror. Disk space requirements (very rough, per architecture, per release): package mirror 50GiB, Ubuntu/Kubuntu CDs 5GiB, Xubuntu/Mythbuntu/UbuntuStudio CDs 5GiB, Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Edubuntu DVDs: 10GiB.

I took the full contents of our ubuntu-archive mirror, but you can probably get away with only i386 and amd64 for the new release people are installing and any old ones they might be upgrading from. You can easily create a partial (only selected architectures and releases) Ubuntu mirror using apt-mirror or debmirror. It takes a while on the first run, but once you have a mirror, updating it is quite efficient.

The CD and DVD repos can easily be mirrored with rsync. Something like --include '\*10.04\*'.iso' --exclude '\*.iso' will give you a quick and dirty partial mirror.

As to the network. I took a 24port switch and a pile of flyleads. A laptop with 1TB external hard drive ran the mirror. At this point, you pick between providing Internet access as well (which may result in some poorly-configured machines upgrading over the Internet) or doing it all offline (which makes sense in bandwidth-starved South Africa). For lucid, I chose to run this on a private network - there was a separate WiFi network for Internet access. This slightly complicates upgrades because update-manager only shows the update button when it can connect to, but that's easily worked around:

cd /var/www
for file in meta-release meta-release-development meta-release-lts meta-release-lts-development meta-release-lts-proposed meta-release-proposed meta-release-unit-testing; do
    wget -nv -N "$file"

Instead of getting people to reconfigure their APT sources (and having to modify those meta-release files), we set our DNS server (dnsmasq) to point all the mirrors that people might be using to itself. In /etc/hosts:    mirror

Dnsmasq must be told to provide DHCP leases /etc/dnsmasq.conf: :


Then we ran an Apache (all on the default virtualhost) serving the Ubuntu archive mirror as /ubuntu, the meta-release files in the root, and CDs / DVDs in /ubuntu-releases, /ubuntu-cdimage. There were a couple of other useful extras thrown in.

We could have also run ftp and rsync servers, and provided a netboot environment. But there was a party to be had :)

For the maverick party, I used this script to prepare the mirror. It's obviously very specific to my local mirror. Tweak to taste:

set -e
set -u
export GNUPGHOME="$MEDIA/gnupg"
gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring trustedkeys.gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B5 2EBC26B60C5A2783
debmirror --host $MIRROR --root ubuntu --method rsync \
    --rsync-options="-aIL --partial --no-motd" -p --i18n --getcontents \
    --section main,universe,multiverse,restricted \
    --dist $(echo {lucid,maverick}{,-security,-updates,-backports,-proposed} | tr ' ' ,) \
    --arch i386,amd64 \
debmirror --host $MIRROR --root medibuntu --method rsync \
    --rsync-options="-aL --partial --no-motd" -p --i18n --getcontents \
    --section free,non-free \
    --dist lucid,maverick \
    --arch i386,amd64 \
rsync -aHvP --no-motd --delete \
    rsync://$MIRROR/pub/packages/corefonts/ \
rsync -aHvP --no-motd --delete \
    rsync://$MIRROR/pub/linux/ubuntu-changelogs/ \
rsync -aHvP --no-motd \
    rsync://$MIRROR/pub/linux/ubuntu-releases/ \
    --include 'ubuntu-10.10*' --include 'ubuntu-10.04*' \
    --exclude '*.iso' --exclude '*.template' --exclude '*.jigdo' --exclude '*.list' --exclude '*.zsync' --exclude '*.img' --exclude '*.manifest' \
rsync -aHvP --no-motd \
    rsync://$MIRROR/pub/linux/ubuntu-dvd/ \
    --exclude 'gutsy' --exclude 'hardy' --exclude 'jaunty' --exclude 'karmic' \

We'll see how it works out tomorrow. Looking forward to a good party.

Fun with Squid and CDNs

One neat upgrade in Debian's recent 5.0.0 release1 was Squid 2.7. In this bandwidth-starved corner of the world, a caching proxy is a nice addition to a network, as it should shave at least 10% off your monthly bandwidth usage. However, the recent rise of CDNs has made many objects that should be highly cacheable, un-cacheable.

For example, a YouTube video has a static ID. The same piece of video will always have the same ID, it'll never be replaced by anything else (except a "sorry this is no longer available" notice). But it's served from one of many delivery servers. If I watch it once, it may come from

But the next time it may come from And that's not all, the signature parameter is unique (to protect against hot-linking) as well as other not-static parameters. Basically, any proxy will probably refuse to cache it (because of all the parameters) and if it did, it'd be a waste of space because the signature would ensure that no one would ever access that cached item again.

I came across a page on the squid wiki that addresses a solution to this. Squid 2.7 introduces the concept of a storeurl_rewrite_program which gets a chance to rewrite any URL before storing / accessing an item in the cache. Thus we could rewrite our example file to

We've normalised the URL and kept the only two parameters that matter, the video id and the itag which specifies the video quality level.

The squid wiki page I mentioned includes a sample perl script to perform this rewrite. They don't include the itag, and my perl isn't good enough to fix that without making a dog's breakfast of it, so I re-wrote it in Python. You can find it at the end of this post. Each line the rewrite program reads contains a concurrency ID, the URL to be rewritten, and some parameters. We output the concurrency ID and the URL to rewrite to.

The concurrency ID is a way to use a single script to process rewrites from different squid threads in parallel. The documentation is this is almost non-existant, but if you specify a non-zero storeurl_rewrite_concurrency each request and response will be prepended with a numeric ID. The perl script concatenated this directly before the re-written URL, but I separate them with a space. Both seem to work. (Bad documentation sucks)

All that's left is to tell Squid to use this, and to override the caching rules on these URLs.

storeurl_rewrite_program /usr/local/bin/
storeurl_rewrite_children 1
storeurl_rewrite_concurrency 10

#  The keyword for all youtube video files are "get_video?", "videodownload?" and "videoplaybeck?id"
#  The "\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv)\?" is only for pictures and other videos
acl store_rewrite_list urlpath_regex \/(get_video\?|videodownload\?|videoplayback\?id) \.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv)\? \/ads\?
acl store_rewrite_list_web url_regex ^http:\/\/([A-Za-z-]+[0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z]*\.[A-Za-z]*
acl store_rewrite_list_path urlpath_regex \.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv)$
acl store_rewrite_list_web_CDN url_regex ^http:\/\/[a-z]+[0-9]\.google\.com doubleclick\.net

# Rewrite youtube URLs
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list
# this is not related to youtube video its only for CDN pictures
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list_web_CDN
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list_web store_rewrite_list_path
storeurl_access deny all

# Default refresh_patterns
refresh_pattern ^ftp:           1440    20%     10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher:        1440    0%      1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0     0%      0

# Updates (unrelated to this post, but useful settings to have):
refresh_pattern*\.(cab|exe)(\?|$) 518400 100% 518400 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern*\.(cab|exe)(\?|$) 518400 100% 518400 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern*\.(cab|exe)(\?|$) 518400 100% 518400 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern (Release|Package(.gz)*)$        0       20%     2880
refresh_pattern \.deb$         518400   100%    518400 override-expire

# Youtube:
refresh_pattern -i (get_video\?|videodownload\?|videoplayback\?) 161280 50000% 525948 override-expire ignore-reload
# Other long-lived items
refresh_pattern -i \.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv)(\?|$) 161280 3000% 525948 override-expire reload-into-ims

refresh_pattern .               0       20%     4320

# All of the above can cause a redirect loop when the server
# doesn't send a "Cache-control: no-cache" header with a 302 redirect.
# This is a work-around.
minimum_object_size 512 bytes

Done. And it seems to be working relatively well. If only I'd set this up last year when I had pesky house-mates watching youtube all day ;-)

It should of course be noted that doing this instructs your Squid Proxy to break rules. Both override-expire and ignore-reload violate guarantees that the HTTP standards provide the browser and web-server about their communication with each other. They are relatively benign changes, but illegal nonetheless.

And it goes without saying that rewriting the URLs of stored objects could cause some major breakage by assuming that different objects (with different URLs) are the same. The provided regexes seem sane enough to not assume that this won't happen, but YMMV.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:
import re
import sys
import urlparse
youtube_getvid_res = [
youtube_playback_re = re.compile(r"^http:\/\/(.*?)\/videoplayback\?id=(.*?)&(.*?)$")
others = [
    (re.compile(r"^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(ads)\?(?:.*?)$"), "http://%s/%s"),
    (re.compile(r"^http:\/\/(?:.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(?:.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\?(?:.*?)$"), ""),
    (re.compile(r"^http:\/\/(?:(?:[A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?)\.(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*?)\.(.*?)\?(?:.*?)$"), "http://cdn.%s.%s.SQUIDINTERNAL/%s.%s"),
    (re.compile(r"^http:\/\/(?:(?:[A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?)\.(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*?)\.(.{3,5})$"), "http://cdn.%s.%s.SQUIDINTERNAL/%s.%s"),
    (re.compile(r"^http:\/\/(?:(?:[A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?)\.(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*?)$"), "http://cdn.%s.%s.SQUIDINTERNAL/%s"),
    (re.compile(r"^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\.(jp(?:e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv)\?(?:.*?)$"), "http://%s/%s.%s"),
    (re.compile(r"^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\;(?:.*?)$"), "http://%s/%s"),
def parse_params(url):
    "Convert a URL's set of GET parameters into a dictionary"
    params = {}
    for param in urlparse.urlsplit(url)[3].split("&"):
        if "=" in param:
            n, p = param.split("=", 1)
            params[n] = p
    return params
while True:
    line = sys.stdin.readline()
    if line == "":
        channel, url, other = line.split(" ", 2)
        matched = False
        for re in youtube_getvid_res:
            if re.match(url):
                params = parse_params(url)
                if "fmt" in params:
                    print channel, "" % (params["video_id"], params["fmt"])
                    print channel, "" % params["video_id"]
                matched = True
        if not matched and youtube_playback_re.match(url):
            params = parse_params(url)
            if "itag" in params:
                print channel, "" % (params["id"], params["itag"])
                print channel, "" % params["id"]
            matched = True
        if not matched:
            for re, pattern in others:
                m = re.match(url)
                if m:
                    print channel, pattern % m.groups()
                    matched = True
        if not matched:
            print channel, url
    except Exception:
        # For Debugging only. In production we want this to never die.
        print line

  1. Yes, Vhata, Debian released in 2009, I won the bet, you owe me a dinner now. 

Ravioli and More Electrical Disasters

This afternoon, I went to my parents' house to make Pasta for the Christmas Eve dinner. It's one of the few family traditions we have; almost every year we dust the dining room table down with flour, get out the pasta rolling machines, and make a few hundred ravioli. It takes the best part of an afternoon, you have to work quite fast, and the final product doesn't keep very well. They need to be stored separated on floured trays, and turned twice every day to avoid sticking to each other or the trays. However, they should taste delicious tomorrow night. Some past photos.

In-between making ravioli (and fixing computers), I was dispatched to fix the broken light above our work table. As suspected, it was the dimmer fuse that had blown (in fact, decimated). So, in with a new one, and I had to re-mount the dimmer. I could see that the dimmer was terribly designed — the top mounting screw comes really close to the circuit board, and right at the edge of the board is the un-insulated fuse holder. This got me mumbling something about bad design, and very gingerly using insulated tools on the screw. Here's a diagram:

Dimmer Diagram

Obviously, during the mounting, the mounting tab will come really close to the board and fuse holder. Naturally, that happened, and there was a very loud bang. The circuit board trace next to the holder had burned through. Hmph. How one earth did they get this certified as safe for home use?

I suppose it's also another reminder not to work on live circuits. I've had enough of those reminders in my life...

Dimmer BackDimmer Top


In line with my SysRq Post comes another bit of assumed knowledge, SMART. Let's begin at the beginning (and stick to the PC world).

Magnetic storage is fault-prone. In the old days, when you formatted a drive, part of the formatting process was to check that each block seemed to be able to store data. All the bad blocks would be listed in a "bad block list" and the file-system would never try to use them. File-system checks would also be able to mark blocks as being bad.

As disks got bigger, this meant that formatting could take hours. Drives had also become fancy enough that they could manage bad blocks themselves, and so a shift occured. Disks were shipped with some extra spare space that the computer can't see. Should the drive controller detect that a block went bad (they had parity checks), it could re-allocate a block from the extra space to stand in for the bad block. If it was able to recover the data from the bad block, this could be totally transparent to the file-system, if not the file-system would see a read-error and have to handle it.

This is where we are today. File-systems still support the concept of bad blocks, but in practice they only occur when a disk runs out of spare blocks.

This came with a problem, how would you know if a disk was doing ok or not? Well a standard was created called SMART. This allows you to talk to the drive controller and (amongst other things) find out the state of the disk. On Linux, we do this via the package smartmontools.

Why is this useful? Well you can ask the disk to run a variety of tests (including a full bad block scan), these are useful for RMAing a bad drive with minimum hassle. You can also get the drive's error-log which can give you some indication of it's reliability. You can see it's temperature, age, and Serial Number (useful when you have to know which drive to unplug). But, most importantly, you can find out the state of bad sectors. How many sectors does the drive think are bad, and how many has it reallocated.

Why is that useful?

In the event of a bad block, you can manually force a re-allocation. This way it happens under your terms, and you'll know exactly what got corrupted.

Next, Google published a paper linking non-zero bad sector values to drive failure. Do you really want be trusting known-non-trustworthy drives with critical data?

Finally, there is a nasty RAID situation. If you have a RAID-5 array with say 6 drives in it and one fails either the RAID system will automatically select a spare drive (if it has one), or you'll have to replace it. The system will then re-build on the new disk, reading every sector on all the other disks, to calculate the sector contents for the new disk. If one of those reads fails (bad sector) you'll now be up shit-creek without a paddle. The RAID system will kick out the disk with the read failure, and you'll have a RAID-5 array with two bad disks in it -- one more than RAID-5 can handle. There are tricks to get such a RAID-5 array back online, and I've done it, but you will have corruption, and it's risky as hell.

So, before you go replacing RAID-5 member-disks, check the SMART status of all the other disks.

Personally, I get twitchy when any of my drives have bad sectors. I have smartd monitoring them, and I'll attempt to RMA them as soon as a sector goes bad.

The joy that is SysRq

I'm constantly surprised when I come across long-time Linux users who don't know about SysRq. The Linux Magic System Request Key Hacks are a magic set of commands that you can get the Linux kernel to follow no matter what's going on (unless it has panicked or totally deadlocked).

Why is this useful? Well, there are many situations where you can't shut a system down properly, but you need to reboot. Examples:

  • You've had a kernel OOPS, which is not quite a panic but there could be memory corruption in the kernel, things are getting pretty weird, and quite honestly you don't want to be running in that condition for any longer than necessary.
  • You have reason to believe it won't be able to shut down properly.
  • Your system is almost-locked-up (i.e. the above point)
  • Your UPS has about 10 seconds worth of power left
  • Something is on fire (lp0 possibly?)
  • ...Insert other esoteric failure modes here...

In any of those situations, grab a console keyboard, and type Alt+SysRq+s (sync), Alt+SysRq+u (unmount), wait for it to have synced, and finally Alt+SysRq+b (reboot NOW!). If you don't have a handy keyboard attached to said machine, or are on another continent, you can

# echo u > /proc/sysrq-trigger

In my books, the useful SysRq commands are:

Call the oom_killer
Display SysRq help
Print a kernel stacktrace
Power Off
Set your keyboard to RAW mode (required after some X breakages)
Sync all filesystems
Remount all filesystems read-only
Change console logging level

In fact, read the rest of the SysRq documentation, print it out, and tape it above your bed. Next time you reach for the reset switch on a Linux box, stop your self, type the S,U,B sequence, and watch your system come up as if nothing untoward has happened.

Update: I previously recommended U,S,B but after a bit of digging, I think S,U,B may be correct.

The word "Cruft"

According to the Media course I did back in first year, there's a fine line between Jargon and Technical Terminology, jargon being more informal. Amongst geeks, technical terminology makes communication possible, and jargon makes our lives easier. To anyone else, it makes us sound like "geek"s, but we are generally ok with that.

When we say "webserver daemon" or "apache httpd" to each other, we mean "the piece of software running on the computer that gives web-pages to anyone who asks for them". We don't want to say things like that to each other (it'd take years to say anything), but we often need to break terms down like that when talking to people from other worlds (fields).

Technical, computer-jargon isn't the only type of jargon, either, there's legalese jargon, mathematical jargon, medical jargon, literary jargon, etc etc.

Just like normal English, we all know a large enough subset of our jargon that we can understand each other even if we don't know the odd specific term, but every now and then we have to refer to a dictionary.

Of course to be able to speak amongst ourselves and to the world at large, we need to know where the lines are between technical terminology, jargon, and normal English. Sometimes, we get this wrong. A housemate called me on it today, asking what I meant when I was describing something as "crufty". I was incredulous - was cruft not a standard, everyday word? Is it just me, or do other geeks regard "cruft" as being a normal English word? It hardly sounds technical, it sounds like something you'd find on the corner a carpet, that we abused as a metaphor for unmaintained messy bits of computing.

A quick google (note "to google" is no longer jargon) took me to the Jargon file entry stating a very geeky etymology:

  1. Poorly built, possibly over-complex. The canonical example is “This is standard old crufty DEC software”. In fact, one fanciful theory of the origin of crufty holds that was originally a mutation of ‘crusty’ applied to DEC software so old that the ‘s’ characters were tall and skinny, looking more like ‘f’ characters.


This term is one of the oldest in the jargon and no one is sure of its etymology, but it is suggestive that there is a Cruft Hall at Harvard University which is part of the old physics building; it's said to have been the physics department's radar lab during WWII. To this day (early 1993) the windows appear to be full of random techno-junk. MIT or Lincoln Labs people may well have coined the term as a knock on the competition.

On a similar note, how many other people only discovered the word "segue" after hearing about the Segway Personal Transporter? (Hint: "segue" is pronounced "seg-way") It certainly seems to have become a much more popular word to use since the launch of the Segway.

International 419-SMS

I don't know if I get more spam than other people because my phone numbers are public, or if I'm just more of a touchy, grouchy git than other people and just react to every spam I get.

So, here is another SPAM-related post.

I just got an SMS from +256715316646 saying:

CONGRATULATION- You have won a TOYOTA LANDCRUISER VX worth $80,000 US DOLLARS.Contact the manager DR: STEPHEN through +254720043297 (JAPAN INT. MOTORS) THANKS.

Look closely. Firstly, it's a 419-scam via SMS. I've never seen one of those before. 2nd, it's from Uganda (a Uganda Telecom cellphone number). Third, it wants me to call someone in Kenya (a Safaricom cell number).

What on earth does one do to stop such things? Either this is run by a group with people on the ground in both countries, or they are using online bulk-SMS services. But International SMSs aren't cheap. And I have no idea who to complain to about this. Let's hope that this kind of spam doesn't become common, because it's virtually unstoppable if it does (like International e-mail spam).

Update: This page seems to have become a rant-board for people getting this spam. If it isn't plainly obvious, here's what to do: nothing. Don't respond, don't give them details, it's a scam!.

Update 2: I won't be replying to any of these comments any more - read the update above.

Update 3: Comments disabled, as this post is collecting more of the same comments. Don't try and contact me personally if you have got a similar message, I'm not interested.