LTS & ELTS Report for October 2022

In October I spent 5.5 hours on Debian LTS:

  • Issuing a security updates for CVE-2022-37454, a buffer overflow in the reference SHA-3 implementation, XKCP in: pysha3 and python3.7.
  • Updating distro-info-data in Debian LTS, to include Ubuntu 23.04, and make other corrections.

In October I spent 2 hours on Debian ELTS:

  • Updating distro-info-data in Debian ELTS, which hadn't been updated in a long time.

During the month Freexian sponsored 20 hours of Debian time, which I spent on:

LTS & ELTS Report for September 2022

In September I spent 12.5 hours on Debian LTS.

This was spent on on an update to netatalk that I've been working on, but ran into some trouble and haven't completed it.

Also made some improvements to LTS documentation.

During the month Freexian sponsored 27.5 hours of Debian time, which I spent on:

LTS & ELTS Report for August 2022

In August 2022 I spent 9 hours on Debian LTS.

This was largely spent investigating CVE-2022-29154 for rsync, backporting it, and then realising that it depended on the change in argument parsing behaviour in 3.2.4, so it couldn't be backported without affecting users.

I also completed the kicad upload for LTS, as previously prepared for bullseye-security.

And started on an update to netatalk.

During the month, Freexian sponsored 14 hours of Debian time which I spent on dh-python, leading to uploading dh-python 5.20220819. This was mostly bunch of minor bug-fixes, with the addition of some tests. The bug change was refactoring argument parsing (migrating to argparse) to allow -O=-foo style options to be parsed.

LTS & ELTS Report for June 2022

I was travelling in June and very inactive.

In June, I spent 8.5 hours working on LTS security updates for systemd. As well as backporting patches, I spent a lot of time getting the right environment to test them in, and getting the autopkgtests to pass (blacklisting the ones that won't). Then I got busy and wasn't able to complete the upload before someone else grabbed it.

I've pushed the autopkgtest blacklisting to the lts-team branch.

During the month I spent 6.5 hours of Freexian-sponsored Debian time working on preparations for DebConf 22, and reconciling accounts from previous DebConfs.